Supply Chain Management
The Company has formulated the “Supplier Evaluation Method”, “Supplier Performance Evaluation Method”, and “Supplier Social Corporate Responsibility Code of Conduct” to establish the supplier screening requirements for environmental protection, human rights, safety, health, and sustainable development. The requirements and expectations for suppliers in the aspects of environmental safety and health risks, prohibition of child labor, labor management, basic rights of non-hazardous labor, code of ethical conducts and ethical corporate management. Through supplier selection, audit, performance evaluation, the requirements of sustainability are implemented and collaborated in the daily supply chain management.
The new supplier evaluation team is composed of the Quality Assurance Department, Production Management Department, Testing Engineering Department, and Packaging Engineering Department. Only the suppliers passing the evaluation and review by the evaluation team can be registered in the AVL List of Qualified Suppliers. ANPEC suppliers are divided into two types: wafer suppliers and packaging and testing suppliers, where the suppliers who are ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified are preferred.
ANPEC conducts annual on-site or written assessments for qualified suppliers. Those who fail the evaluation must improve within a time limit and apply to ANPEC for review. The supplier qualification will be disqualified if the review is not approved. In addition to quality management, design process management, document records, warehouse inspection, etc., the evaluation also includes green product management and environmental, social, and governance review. In 2023, a total of 10 annual supplier evaluations were conducted, and all of them have passed the evaluation.
The supplier evaluation team is composed of the Quality Assurance Department, the Production Management Department, and the relevant Engineering Departments. The evaluation items include quality, delivery time, price, engineering ability, etc. where the qualified suppliers are evaluated quarterly. Notify the supplier of the quarterly evaluation results and distribute it to the Production Management Department as a reference for placing orders.
The Company's suppliers are 100% in line with the following conditions :
- New Supplier Evaluation Process
The new supplier evaluation team is composed of the Quality Assurance Department, Production Management Department, Testing Engineering Department, and Packaging Engineering Department. Only the suppliers passing the evaluation and review by the evaluation team can be registered in the AVL List of Qualified Suppliers. ANPEC suppliers are divided into two types: wafer suppliers and packaging and testing suppliers, where the suppliers who are ISO9001 and ISO14001 certified are preferred.
- Annual Supplier Review
ANPEC conducts annual on-site or written assessments for qualified suppliers. Those who fail the evaluation must improve within a time limit and apply to ANPEC for review. The supplier qualification will be disqualified if the review is not approved. In addition to quality management, design process management, document records, warehouse inspection, etc., the evaluation also includes green product management and environmental, social, and governance review. In 2023, a total of 10 annual supplier evaluations were conducted, and all of them have passed the evaluation.
- Supplier Performance Rating
The supplier evaluation team is composed of the Quality Assurance Department, the Production Management Department, and the relevant Engineering Departments. The evaluation items include quality, delivery time, price, engineering ability, etc. where the qualified suppliers are evaluated quarterly. Notify the supplier of the quarterly evaluation results and distribute it to the Production Management Department as a reference for placing orders.
- Supply Chain Management Implementation
The Company's suppliers are 100% in line with the following conditions :

If you have any questions about sustainable operation, please contact us.

E-mail :
Tel : +886-3-564-2000
Address : No.6, Duxing 1st Rd., Hsinchu City 300096, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 5:30 PM
Securities Agent

MasterLink Securities Corporation (Securities Agent)
Tel : +886-2-2768-6668
Fax : +886-2-2768-8778
Address : B1, No. 35, Ln. 11, Guangfu N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 4:30 PM

E-mail :
Tel : +886-3-564-2000
Address : No.6, Duxing 1st Rd., Hsinchu City 300096, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 5:30 PM
Securities Agent

MasterLink Securities Corporation (Securities Agent)
Tel : +886-2-2768-6668
Fax : +886-2-2768-8778
Address : B1, No. 35, Ln. 11, Guangfu N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City
Office hour : 8:30 AM ~ 4:30 PM